Thursday, June 24, 2010

Making Banana Bread

What do we do in our house when we have a bunch of bananas that are going bad? Usually I'd probably throw them away. But the other day, I decided to take some inspiration from my own mom, and bake banana bread!
I premeasured most of the ingredients to avoid having flour and baking soda everywhere, but I made it educational enough by having Little Bear read the recipe out loud. The girls took turns pouring ingredients into the bowl and stirring it up.

We knew things were going well when the batter tasted delicious!

The most important part of baking is cleaning up afterwards! Being three years old will not get you out of dish duty!

The banana bread is out of the oven! Well, it looks good, so far, but how does it taste?

Pufferfish and Clover say its delicious!

In case you want to try it, I found this quick and easy recipe here!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Looks yummy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now I know what I should do with those black and bruised bananas on the fridge.

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